Dynamic Stretching Vs. Static Stretching

It's no secret that stretching is an important part of exercise and recovery but are you up to speed on what type of stretching is best for PRE and POST activity?

Understanding Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is actively moving joints and muscles with sports-specific motions for around 10-12 repetitions, targeting certain muscle groups. Dynamic stretching should mimic the activity or movement that you're about to engage in. For example, if you are a runner it is important to warm up your legs with motions such as; walking lunges, knee to chest, and heel to butt (all while standing and taking steps forward). Dynamic stretching warms the muscles, increasing blood flow circulation, which then reduces resistance and increases flexibility. We highly recommend dynamic stretching before any type of activity or exercise. 

Here's some examples of dynamic stretching:

Understanding Static Stretching

Static stretching involves moving a joint as far as it can go and holding it for a length of time, typically 30 to 90 seconds. Static stretching is best for post-workout and cool down. Static stretching after exercise can help prevent post-workout stiffness, increase flexibility and range of motion and helps muscles recover faster. 

Some examples of static stretching are; 

Hamstring stretch (standing with heel on chair in front of you)

0180968001618536928.jpgHamstring stretch demo by Alicia

Piriformis stretch (laying on back with opposite ankle on opposite knee) 

0537388001618537002.jpgPiriformis stretch demo by Alicia

Deltoid stretch (arm across body with opposite arm holding it just above elbow).

0480255001618537085.jpgDeltoid stretch demo by Alicia

To summarize, dynamic stretching is best for PRE activity to warm muscles up and static stretching is best for POST activity to cool everything down and help muscles recover quicker.

Thank you to our massage therapists, Abigail Sherin and Alicia Galindo for being our models! As massage therapists, dynamic and static stretching are an absolute must before and after each shift to prolong their careers!